Graphic Designer

Ellie Danieh


. Compass Toolkit
. Versonix
. Metamorphose
· Memento
· Alvin Lustig
· Dejabrew
· Genesis
. The Jinn



To me, the design process is like creating a new symphony to make it successful, you should arrange all the notes correctly, lead with your heart to create a piece that is unified harmonious, and unique to leave people inspired.

My design is influenced by simplicity and is rooted in harmony. As Jonathan Ive says: “Simplicity is not the absence of clutter, that’s a consequence of simplicity. "

I believe in adding a personal touch to the design without compromising its ambition. And I aim for balancing aesthetics with functionality to create a dynamic design with a consistent message.

Elbra Kharadaileh


Packaging and Branding
Program used: Fusion 360,
Adobe illustrator, Adobe Photoshop


Versonix is a brand of all-purpose edible table ware that are customizable, foldable and organic.

The slides representing Versonix design concept


The package design is based on Versonix logo. The V section holds the plates and the part of the plates that stands out of the package forms the circular part of the logo. The package and plates inside complement each other, and together, they form the logo to emphasize the versatile nature of Versonix and the products it offers.
Typeface Design
Program used: Adobe illustrator,
Adobe Photoshop


Metamorphose is a decorative typeface named after the master Dali, One of the most celebrated Surrealist artists of all time Metamorphose is designed to convey the unconventional quality of Salvador Dali painting style, his non-conformist nature, and, the dream-like effects of his paintings .
The curvy and organic nature of the letters gives them dream-like effects, and mimics Dali’s double imagery. An interesting dialogue is created between the actual letters and the unusual images they resemble, when the letters are placed next to each other.


The first spread from Metamorphose typeface book demonstrates Dali’s art works. The letter L is integrated into Salvador Dali’s artwork as tree branches.
The second spread shows the anatomy of six uppercase letters.
Movie Title Design
Programs used: Adobe
After Effect, Adobe Illustrator


This is the title sequence of Memento. A 2001 movie directed by Christopher Nolan.

For this title sequence, I was inspired by Saul Bass cut-out design style. I aimed to capture the essence of the movie by depicting the main character’s photos that get dispersed by a pair of black hands to symbolize the attack that lead to the main character’s memory loss. I mainly use polaroid pictures, and character’s torso with movie credits on it as tattoos, to convey the story.
As they both are the ways that the main character retain the information. I also use opacity with randomizer effect on type that appears on the bottom of the polaroid frames to allude to the character’s memory loss. By combining the photographs, images and type, I aimed to make a solid and cohesive title sequence that creatively capture the essence of the movie without revealing too much about it.

Panel and Stamps
Program used: Adobe illustrator,
Adobe Photoshop

Alvin Lustig

I designed a memorial panel and four stamps for Alvin Lustig, who was a renowned American book designer, graphic designer and typeface
designer of the 1940s.
The stamps and panel capture Alvin Lustig’s modern style with simplified shapes and flat colors.

Alvin Lustig Stamps

Alvin Lustig Panel

The panel design is inspired by Lustig’s book cover design called, the man who died. The black figure alludes to Alvin Lustig’s final movements. The green shapes with white line patterns symbolize his soul.
As it lives his body, he is immortalized in his work, symbolized as four stamps in the panel.The writing in braille alludes to Alvin lustig’s fading vision. Even though he became blind in his final years, he never stopped working as a designer.

Branding and Packaging
Program used: Fusion 360,
Adobe illustrator,
Adobe Photoshop


Dejabrew is a unique blend of cold brewed coffee extract, and natural fruit juice that is infused with anti-oxidant using coffee fruit. Dejabrew comes in three different flavors of blueberries, mango, and grapes, all mixed with lemon offering a plethora of health benefits, and complimenting the coffee quite well. 
Dejabrew package follows the form of its logo. It’s organic and fluid from alludes to the organic and natural quality of Dejabrew. As a whole, it represents an abstract coffee fruit that is cut in half, revealing the coffee bean inside. However, the two half circles have double meaning. On one hand they allude to the coffee bean, on the other hand, together, with their green colors, allude to a cut lemon.

Dejabrew Package and Logo Design

Dejabrew Promotional Items


The promotional item consists of three set of two frosted glass candle coffee cups that come with coasters. Each set of the coffee cups come in two different colors of green- orange, green-blue, and green-purple that represents the fruits in each Dejabrew drinks.
The fruit scented candle inside the cup also corresponds to The same fruit color of the cup. As candles can be used for variety of purposes such as celebrations, romance, and spiritual to light up dinner table, or just to relax, they make an ideal gift for majority of people.